Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bioaccumulation/biomagnification questions

Biomagnification : Answer in full sentences Research- EPA, FDA, Great Lakes (Contamination in fish) 1. What is biomagnification? 2. What does it have to do with a food chain? 3. What happens if you eat certain foods that are high on the food chain? 4. What kinds of contaminants (3) in food can occur by biomagnifications and what are their sources? . 5. What is the most amount of mercury allowable in fish according to the FDA? 6. Who is most at risk of mercury contamination? 7. What kinds of fish (5) put you most at risk?

Monday, March 19, 2018

monday night hw

California has been in a drought for almost a decade. When they do has a rainy or snowy season it is not enough to make up for the loss. The drought causes wildfires, property loss and losses to agricultural crops. What are 10 possible solutions to the drought crisis in California. Research what technologies and 'out of the box' ideas are used to cure the water shortage problem. Summarize each idea and to what extent it can be used to solve the shortage.

Friday, March 16, 2018

water use questions

Do the water use questions on the blog using your text and the other water related resources in the student resources on the blog. Answer all questions in full sentences. Incomplete sentences will not be scored. 1. Summarize what the Clean Water Act of 1972 (I was 12) stated that controlled pollution in rivers, lakes, and ponds. 2. What is the amount of water on Earth that is actually fresh water? 3. What is fresh water used for in this country? Find percentages of each use. 4. Which use is the most important that would make you think twice about voting to relax this law? Which is the second most important use for you? 5. How much water is used by the United States each day? 6. Which two states use the most water? Why? 7. Which state uses the most water for aquaculture? 8. Which state uses the most water for raising livestock? 9. Which state uses the most water for irrigation? 10. How many gallons of water to raise one ear of corn? 11. how many gallons of water does it take to produce 8 oz of beef? 12. Which of these sources do we currently use for drinking water? Saltwater, ground water, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, glaciers, ice caps

Thursday, March 15, 2018

march 15 hw

read 120-139 check out this website for updated facts, newer than your textbook!